Mid Term Rentals

Mid-term Rentals:

This applies to longer than 30 days rental to less than 1 year rental term. We like this model for many reasons.  It can solve a problem and be profitable at the same time.  If we look at profit as our main metric the it would look like this: Short-term on top with highest monthly net.  Long-term being the lowest monthly net with Mid-term somewhere in the middle. Mid-term would be a furnished in most cases, unfurnished as a least likely scenario that provides a place to live for say a traveling nurse or corporate rental or a semi short term rental for a family needing a place during a rehab of their own home.  You should expect to charge somewhere between twice to three times per month or more than a long term unfurnished rental. It provides you a more steady rental income than short-term but not a stable as long term. Sometimes a family member may be taking care of someone for a 1-3 month period that simply cant move into the care location and needs a budget friendly home to stay in whilst managing their affairs.

