short term


If you’re looking for the best way to find a market or decide if a property will make money then look no further than  We’ve used this platform time and time again to either decide if one of our properties would make a better short term rental than a long term, decide whether or not to purchase a property base on the data and metrics or simply identifying a market to explore.

AirDna has amazing articles and an invaluable research team that you simply can’t beat. We love their industry articles. Their tools are terrific and their data is highly organized and well laid out.  There isn’t a better tool in my opinion. There is so much free info here and even a trial rentalizer that you can plug in several addresses to see if you’re going to be in the money or not.When you’re really ready to take the plunge subscribe to the paid service for the area you are interested in and start your due diligence process.

The great thing about this analyzer is its very customizable. You can adjust bedroom and bathroom configurations, square footages, number of guests etc.  This will help you when dialing in your property for maximum profit.  Often times doing a garage conversion can add a significant amount of income to your bottom line and it’s easy to do here. The rates may seem a bit high but its insignificant when you nail down the right property and start raking in profits. We couldn’t do the research we need in the amount of time needed without them.